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ProCooling Technical Discussions
Overland Storage SnapOS v4 & Image File Links
kiwa 850 Day(s) ago.
ozmatt 1247 Day(s) ago.
Getting back into the water
ben333 1426 Day(s) ago.
ID This Waterblock.
jaydee 1909 Day(s) ago.
ProCooling Geek Bits
Happy 20 year on Procooling!
satanicoo 791 Day(s) ago.
Fluke 17B+ ... the multimeter I've always wanted b...
Noise 2216 Day(s) ago.
Ben's Win 98 box, redone! Build up
ben333 3871 Day(s) ago.
Project Black & Blue - Ben's new HTPC
ben333 3931 Day(s) ago.
Site News and Blogs
User Registrations kinda back open
Jag 1324 Day(s) ago.
New User Registrations are blocked
ben333 1447 Day(s) ago.
Where is Joe these days? JoeKelly.co
ben333 1737 Day(s) ago.
Stuff over the last few years, Blogs, etc...
rhkcommander 2121 Day(s) ago.
The Pro/Market
GTX 280 for US $308.11 !!!!!!
sam amaar 2594 Day(s) ago.
FS: Laptop hardware (CPUs, Memory, HDDs, Wifi, etc...
ben333 4732 Day(s) ago.
FS external watercooling units from jpiperformance...
Halo_Master 4771 Day(s) ago.
FS Snap Server 4200
abuthemagician 4896 Day(s) ago.
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- ProCooling Projects Close - Total Articles : 17
Aardils Multi PC H2O and A/C Cooling Desk 5
Jan 15 2006 : Aardil brings us a new ProCooling project with a complete Water cooling / Air Cooling / Air Conditioned piece of furniture that handles 4 machines, and holds 3 monitors and lots of other stuff!
Airspirits Watercooled Rackmount Part 3 5
Jun 4 2003 : Phase 3 and the conclusion of his rack mount cooling project!
Airspirits Watercooled Rackmount Part 2
Dec 18 2002 : Phase 2 of Airspirits popular project
Airspirits Watercooled Rackmount Part 1
Dec 6 2002 : Airspirit breaks down his project on watercooling a rack of gear - This article series has been so popular its been /. 'd
Black Ice - Silent Frost Update
Nov 3 2002 : Kevin updates his already nice Black Ice project with the cooling goodies he intended in the first article!
Oct 21 2002 : pH's first entry on ProCooling - and he does it in style with this impressive compact H2O LAN rig that just owns.
Black Ice
Nov 27 2001 : Kevin starts to build up his YY Cube Case into one bad H2O system
The Rock
Sep 27 2001 : Una's answer to DH3, Its big, its flashy, its even got a nifty paint scheme on it. Its the ROCK. Hes converted an old AT case into an ATX watercooled monster.
Micro Stealth
May 10 2001 : Unaclocker takes on mATX watercooling in a big way! - Making one of the smallest LAN'able H2O systems around.
Little Stealth 2
Mar 18 2001 : Unaclocker takes his Little Stealth and improves it with some new H2O goodness!
Pro/Mini Rev 2 - Lan Box Revisited
Feb 25 2001 : After using the Pro/Mini for a bit, some improvements needed to be made.
Pro/Mini - The Uber LAN Box
Feb 2 2001 : With spare parts from DH3, left over, Joe takes a Mini tower case and turns it into one of the best designed self contained cooling rigs to date. It also uses a few design elements that are a first for the industry.
Double Header 3 5
Dec 24 2000 : The biggest, and the baddest tripple loop watercooling system of its time. Joe puts this mammoth machine together in style! This was the FIRST PC cooling system to use UV Reflective dye!, and the first system to use quick disconnects, and many other firsts for the cooling industry!
Little Stealth
Dec 9 2000 : Unaclocker builds up a small mini tower H2O system from scratch!
Superclock'n Overcool'n
Nov 30 2000 : Kevin attacks his Duron with some water goodness
Athlon Super Cool
Jun 4 2000 : Unaclockers first venture into TEC/H2O on ProCooling
Double Header 2 5
Mar 1 2000 : ProCoolings first venture into high end cooling. Joe chills down some Celerons with TEC's and watercools them and doubles their speed!
- Air and Heat Pipes Expand - Total Articles : 2
- H2O and Evap Expand - Total Articles : 18
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SNAP 4500/4200 Limits
ProCooling Poll:
So why the hell not?
I agree! 67%
What? 17%
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Worst Poll Ever. 17%
Total Votes:18
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If we in some way offend you, insult you or your people, screw your mom, beat up your dad, or poop on your porch... we're sorry... we were probably really drunk...
Oh and dont steal our content bitches! Don't give us a reason to pee in your open car window this summer...