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Matrox Matrox G-Series Video Card Rounup
Date Posted: Mar 21 2000
Author: Joe
Posting Type: Review
Category: Video Card Reviews
Page: 4 of 14
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Matrox G-Series Video Card Rounup By: Joe

RoundUp - Matrox G400 32mb

In learning how to use my new digital cam I lost allot of images, I lost all mine from the G40032mb and 16mb :(

Here is the 32mb Variant of the G400 Series of Matrox cards. The additional ram increases Max resolution in 2D, and also Resolution in 3D.

The G400 chip was an evolution of the G200 core. It implemented a MUCH better (4x+ better) 3D rendering core, and pioneered a few new technologies.

The G400 chip runs a Dual 256Bit Bus, allowing it to use another brilliant feature - Dual Head. This will allow you to use one G400 Dual Head card for 2 monitors with no performance hit to the card.

Another new feature released in this chip set was EMBM (Environment Mapped Bump Mapping). This allows for extremely life like games and 3D renderings.

Even with the new much faster core, it is still not quite up to speed for 3D performance as many of the current cards are.

Quick Overview

Core Chipset


RAM DAC speed

300 Mhz

RAM/(upgrade to)





AGP 2x , 4x*

Hardware DVD?


TV Out?

Yes via Dual head wire

TV In?





Rainbow Runner GS kit, DVI

* Doesnt run at 4x, is just compatible with the 4x connector

Matrox MillenniumG400MAX

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