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Overland Storage SnapOS v4 & Image File Links
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Getting back into the water
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ID This Waterblock.
jaydee 1909 Day(s) ago.
ProCooling Geek Bits
Happy 20 year on Procooling!
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Fluke 17B+ ... the multimeter I've always wanted b...
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Ben's Win 98 box, redone! Build up
ben333 3871 Day(s) ago.
Project Black & Blue - Ben's new HTPC
ben333 3931 Day(s) ago.
Site News and Blogs
User Registrations kinda back open
Jag 1324 Day(s) ago.
New User Registrations are blocked
ben333 1447 Day(s) ago.
Where is Joe these days? JoeKelly.co
ben333 1737 Day(s) ago.
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The Pro/Market
GTX 280 for US $308.11 !!!!!!
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FS: Laptop hardware (CPUs, Memory, HDDs, Wifi, etc...
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FS external watercooling units from jpiperformance...
Halo_Master 4771 Day(s) ago.
FS Snap Server 4200
abuthemagician 4896 Day(s) ago.
Talk'n Talk'n Cool'n With Joe #2
Date Posted: Oct 12 2000
Author: Joe
Posting Type: Article
Category: FAQ's, Editorials, Q&A's
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Talk'n Cool'n With Joe #2 By: Joe

Talk'n Cool'n With Joe - #2 10/12/00

Welcome to Your Forum. I am going to use this as a Question and Answer area.  I receive e-mails every day about cooling this and cooling that. Well I am going to answer them :)  In the future please E-mail questions to CoolTalk@ProCooling.com . At some point There may be a web cast version also ( working out some details). Now I am NOT an expert or a person holding a PHD in physics, or thermo dynamics, so I may be a lil off, but the theory should be correct :) hehehe  If you have a PHD or just know yer stuff, and see me screw up some fact, please email me and let me know!

Talk'n Cool'n W/Joe Issues

I freak'n Lost this page.. dont ask me how


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