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Fixing Fixing a Palm III Screen
Date Posted: Jan 9 2001
Author: Joe
Posting Type: Article
Category: Hardware Modding
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Fixing a Palm III Screen By: Joe

How to fix yer Palm IIIx Display

The actual display of the device, which takes up 2/3 of its weight!, its the most delicate part of the palm, and I have broke 2 of my previous Palm Devices by dropping them. But Shhh.. heres a secret - Get a replacement from 3com ( which I believe go for 100$ you get a rebuild one which may be warn around the edges ( like I would get), then just remove the good LCD from em and put it into your cracked Palm device. its VERY simple.

The Back

the innards of the Palm, That's it, 4 chips. amazing eh? the 2 longer chips are the RAM,  the one rectangular chip is a flash chip, and the amazing lil DragonBall EZ CPU.

Hmm CPU? RAM??  I think there is a scary lack of cooling going on here. I mean playing a Game of "Doomling" or SimCity MUST stress this lil CPU a bit,  I think we better look into some cooling of this lil chipset.

I had a hand full of lil 5v fans laying around so I thought.. Hmmm lets see..

Well one works ok, but I think we need some more cooling :)

AHhhh much better :) That should keep the lil dragonball down to around ambient. I was also pondering some OCWC Silver Poly block water cooling with maybe a lil 130watt Pelt, but it was too bulky.  So Then I looked at a Blorb, Nope too high. So these work perfectly.

OK now if you HONESTLY think I left these there well...  that's nice.  If the 2 AAA batts could power the fans I would have prolly tried to fit em there just for fun, but there's no way a 3v power supply could spin the fans and still power the Palm . Also in reality the CPU hardly breaks ambient same with any of the chips so there is NO reason to cool them.

Back to the main topic:

I cleaned off the contacts on the ribbon wire and the connector on the PCB with some PCB safe "De-Ox-It" which cleans off any oxides that have formed and also seals the metal from oxidize'n easily.

TIP: Wen trying to pull out the ribbon from the connector on the PCB, use the lil "Reset prong" that's build into the end cap on the stylus to help work it out. If you use something metal you risk cutting the wire.. then yer screwed.

OK back to something productive, lets go to the Articles Page eh?

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