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3Dfx 3Dfx Voodoo3 3500TV Video Card Review
Date Posted: Feb 29 2000
Author: Joe
Posting Type: Review
Category: Video Card Reviews
Page: 4 of 6
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3Dfx Voodoo3 3500TV Video Card Review By: Joe

Review : 3dfx Voodoo3 3500TV AGP

Image Quality overview:

Image quality and options are a big part of any video card. Although many people are willing to sacrifice quality for speed, that isn't always the case. Another thing to remember is functionality. If the card ONLY works with great quality under one API but is bad under all others or doesn't even support others this makes the card overall a very poor card in quality. When I have asked some people what they thought about the importance of high image quality under 2D I got a few very basic responses : "Hu?",  "They all look the same to me", and "Who uses 2D anymore, I never leave the game". Ok so I made that last one up :) . Even though the general mood is that the 2D quality doesn't matter in the great scheme of things, there are a few people lets call them "videophiles" that are aware of the importance of this part. I happen to be one of them.  High quality 2D is as important as 3D, It is also a good way to tell the overall quality of the card.

2D Image Quality:

Color Depth - The higher is better in most cases, 32 Bit is actually faster on the graphics processor then 24bit in most benchmarks. The human eye cant tell any difference with the change cause you don't get many more colors, if any. 16Bit is the lowest I would possibly run. As you can see the 3500TV does handle all the major color depth's in MOST apps.

If you want to use the TV features of the card you have to drop the color DOWN to 16bit! This may be because I am using the CD drivers and not the newest, but that is just stupid.

Resolution - That is dependent on you monitor more then your video card now that most video cards can exceed the max res for many monitors out there. 1024x786 is my test res for everything (2d/3d) just cause its more "Real world" then trying to run a test at 1600x1200.


To test a bit in a real world app and using my very picky eye at it. I ran through a few apps in 2D mode to check out how it worked. Did some Photoshop work on an huge image and scrolled back and forth and up and down to see if it would choke or pause.  I ran it at 1024x768 32bit Color Depth
Result - Impressive, it did it better then the GeForce DDR that I had here! But still not as smooth and robust as my Matrox G200.


Fired up Excel and loaded a nice 15mb spreadsheet. and scrolled around on that thing.  Swapped back and forth between apps to see if that would cause it trouble. @1024x768 32bit Color Depth
Result -   Smooth, once again better then the DDR card I had, but still not as smooth as the G200.


Took a folder and was dragging it around the screen with the flag for "show folder contents while dragging" turned on. This is surprisingly a very good test for video.
Result - Well worse then I was planning, lots of tearing and shimmering while dragging, it equaled the Geforce's pitiful trial. The TV app for the Matrox and for the 3500 were tested in the same way.  In that the Matrox wins hands down. The 3dfx card was very poor in that test.

Now I know that these aren't the most scientific tests around, and are very machine dependent. But I feel that benchmarks used by most other sites for these tests are over rated.  Cause who cares what an app says the card can rock at, when you are going to be the one looking at it more.  Your eyes are the best test machines out there.

3D Testing

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